Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Assignment 3 - Intimate, Indispensable GIF: By Maxine

Assignment 3 - Intimate, Indispensable GIF
By: Maxine

Assignment 3 - Provided By Toyin Odutola

Episode 03 Instructions:
1. Think of something intimate that is indispensable to you. (It doesn't have to be a body part. It can be an object, place, memory, anything.)
2. Depict it in the form of a GIF. You don't have to make drawings—you can use photographs, make a sculpture, or whatever you like.

     The first thing I thought about when watching this assignment was the necklace. I have worn a simple pendant around my neck since I was in grade 10. 
     The original version was given to me by an important friends mom. She was the person who first showed to me that Art was more than just paintings. That it was a big, complicated world with lots to say and think about. I first wore it as a headpiece to enhance the outfit I had made and was wearing in a Glass Fashion Show. My friend and I had created costumes and were "Frit Farries". 
     The current pendent I have now had for four years, it is a bottle cap that has the image of a fish inside it behind some clear plastic. I switched it because my life had moved on, I felt that as much as the old necklace meant a lot to me that friendship had ended. It hadn't ended in a bad way. It had just ended. I was ok with that but I felt the need to change the pendent because my life was moving on. 
     So here it is, an image that shows me over time, changing but staying constant at the same time.  

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